
Unlocking the Complexity of MRTU Settlements

Accurate settlement information is the key to maximizing the value of energy portfolios and managing transaction risks. Power Market Consulting has developed Rozetta, an analytical tool designed to estimate and validate CAISO charge codes for electric power transactions. Based on exact formulas specified in CAISO’s Settlements Business Practice Manual (BPM), Rozetta is a robust, yet affordable settlement validation tool.

Developed using multidimensional modeling technology Quantrix Modeler, Rozetta is a superior alternative to costly ETRM systems or limited and error-prone spreadsheet solutions. It is a robust solution that enables users to view and calculate settlements quickly and easily.


Rozetta enables market participants to:

  • Streamline the entire bid-to-bill process by providing settlements information back to the front-office
  • Provide daily accounting accrual estimates for CAISO transactions
  • Identify potential disputes and generate supporting detail for filing disputes with the CAISO
  • Use settlement data to develop and back-test bidding and scheduling strategies
  • Minimize financial penalties levied by the market operator
  • Drill down to each bill determinant to see how each charge code is calculated
  • Outsource the MRTU settlement, if the market participant chooses

Rozetta’s technology offers:

  • An affordable and robust alternative to enterprise-scale ETRM systems
  • Improved performance, scale, and reliability over spreadsheet-based solutions
  • Validation based on exact formulas in the MRTU Settlements BPM, not the CAISO system provided formulas in the Settlement Configuration File
  • Implementation options, including standalone desktop application or as a front-end to a supporting database
  • Worry-free support service to keep the MRTU settlement configurations and calculations always up to date
  • Customization based on specific needs of market participants